Note: There are no baptisms during Lent, Advent and Christmas. The preparation class taken in February will be the preparation for baptism in February. Baptisms & the preparation class will start again in May.
Nota: No hay bautismos durante Cuaresma, Adviento y Navidad. La clase de preparación tomada en marzo y abril será la preparación para el bautismo en mayo.
Nota: No hay bautismos durante Cuaresma, Adviento y Navidad. La clase de preparación tomada en marzo y abril será la preparación para el bautismo en mayo.
If you are a parishioner of St. Thomas the Apostle, and desire to have your child baptized at another parish, then you will need a Letter of Good Standing and/or a Letter of Permission from the Pastor.
If the parish is within the Diocese of Fort Worth, you must:
Verify your sacraments received (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Marriage)
Verify that you are a registered member of Saint Thomas.
Submit the following to generate the letter:
Full Name and Address of the Church
Name of the Pastor of the Church
Name of the celebrant of the sacrament(s), if different from the pastor.
Name of the Child, and the Child’s parents.
Note, requesting permission does not guarantee that our Pastor will grant it, nor does it guarantee the Pastor of the church in question will grant it.
If the parish is outside the Diocese of Fort Worth then:
It is your (not the parish’s) responsibility to receive permission from boththe Diocese and parish where the sacraments will take place, and permission from the Diocese of Fort Worth and the Pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle.
Note, requesting permission does not guarantee that it will be granted.
Attend a baptism preparation session, either at Saint Thomas or at their own parish.
Be 16 years or older, in good standing with the Church, and a proper example of Christian life.
Be Sacramentally Initiated (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist)
If married, be in a valid, Catholic marriage.
Verify sacraments by submitting sacramental certificates.
If from another parish, verify good standing with a letter, signed by the pastor.
If there are two sponsors, one must be male and one must be female.
Parents may not be sponsors.
Non-Catholics may not be sponsors, but may witness the Baptism.
Sacramental (BAPTISMAL) Preparation
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” –Matthew 28:19 (RSVCE)
In Baptism, the Holy Spirit moves us to answer Christ's call to holiness. We are asked to walk by the light of Christ and to trust in his wisdom. We are invited to submit our hearts to Christ with ever deeper love. Here you will find information on baptismal preparation and the requirements for celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism. We look forward to assisting your family in preparing for the baptism of your child . May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you on your continuing journey of faith!
“Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments.” –Catechism of the Catholic Church 1213
For adults who are the parents of or sponsoring a child in need of Baptism age 6 and younger.
If your child is 7 or older and has not received Baptism, or was Baptized in another faith tradition, they must be inOCIA Adapted for Children.
Spanish Baptisms are the second Saturday of the Month at 10:00am (no baptisms in March and December of 2024, Lent & Christmas)
English Baptism are the third Saturday of the Month at 1:30pm (no baptisms in March and December of 2024, Lent & Christmas)