The Annual Diocesan Appeal is a dynamic opportunity for all of the faithful in the Diocese of Fort Worth to impact lives beyond the scope of any individual parish. Its mission is to witness to God’s grace in our lives by together sharing the Gospel message of faith, hope and charity with those most in need of attention through knowing and doing all that we are called to as Disciples of Christ.
Thank you for prayerfully considering your gift to the appeal.
To save us from this miserable approach to our lives, the Church offers us this opportunity to respond to Christ’s Call to Gratitude. We have this moment to consider the gift of our lives and the many blessings already placed in our lives by God. Appreciating this goodness, draws us closer to God and impels us towards acts of selfless love in imitation of His ultimate gift of His Son who came to save us from sin. A grateful heart never sins. In the Diocese of Fort Worth, much of our charitable outreach and acts of solidarity are carried out through the Annual Diocesan Appeal.
Make one gift payment, choosing check or credit card or automatic bank account withdrawal.
St. Francis Circle — Individuals choose the continuous monthly amount, which can be increased, decreased, paused or stopped at any time. Authorize continuous, monthly credit card or automatic bank account withdrawal. Gifts will repeat for 12 months and continue from year-to-year.
Make a pledge or one-time gift using a credit card or automatic bank account withdrawal. The pledge payment schedule should conclude by Sept 30, for proper crediting to the Annual Diocesan Appeal.
Thanks to the dedicated support of loyal contributors who make a continuous monthly gift to the Annual Diocesan Appeal, a steady stream of income helps to serve the poor, families, clergy and children of our Diocese.
Members of St. Francis Circle make a continuous gift to the Appeal via monthly credit card or automatic bank account withdrawal. Gifts repeat for 12 months and continue from year-to-year.